Thursday, March 12, 2009

Speed Linking in the Echo Chamber

Just a few noteworthy items...

Check out the fantastic "compendium of advice for new (and experienced) randonneurs collected from the DC Randonneurs listserv."

If you're planning on riding the full brevet series this year, you might want to acknowledge that achievement w/ the new RUSA Super Randonneur jersey. Personally, I liked #4. BTW, this jersey is only offered this year. has been following the LAB National Bike Summit 2009. There's some important stuff going on there. Especially Rep. Oberstar's speech on "Seeking a National Legal Standard to Ensure Traffic Justice."

The first ever Alaska Randonneurs ride schedule poster/flier is available for downloading. It's a great piece of work done by one of our local riders. Print it out in all its full-color glory, post it conspicuously, and e-mail it to all of your friends.

Check the conditions down at the Cosmic Hamlet By The Sea.

I drove back from a few days of skiing in Girdwood on Tuesday. The highway is ridable all the way to the Rabbit Creek exit. It's sloppy and cold, but ridable. Fenders and mudflaps are highly advisable.

The local forums are talking about the awesome Iditarod Invitational, the upcoming ABC bike swap, and the BP Cycling Fair. Alaska Randonneurs will have a table there.

Over on the Rando forum, there's been an interesting discussion regarding a possible increase in "local" 1,200K RM randonnees in 2011 (PBP) in response to the current global economic downturn. Does Alaska need it's own 1200?

Are you planning on riding PBP in 2011? Now is probably a good time to start talking about it, and how we can best run the Alaska Brevet Series in preparation for PBP.

And finally, Pat Irwin was gracious enough to post photos of his Homer brevet pre-ride when he was checking out the conditions (I'M KIDDING!)

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