Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy New Year! & 2009 Brevet Schedule

Happy New Year  Alaska Randonneurs!

How are those garage spin sessions going?

Here's a suggestion...between workouts, do some active resting in front of your computer and upload your photos of your Alaska brevets to our Flickr site:

Well, I've been working on a zillion new brevets and permanents all around the state (Kodiak 200KM, Cordova 200KM, Glennallen...). I've got loads of exciting, scenic, and challenging new routes submitted, and I'm just waiting for final approval from RUSA.

Our calendar is shaping up nicely, but if we hope to actually put all of these events on, we're going to need more volunteers on event days. So, if you or someone you know is interested in spending a nice day out on the course this spring/summer, please pass their contact info on to me, or just have them get in touch with me directly.

Here's the tentative brevet schedule for 2009:

March 28 Homer 200KM

April 11 North Kenai Peninsula 200KM

April 18 Matanuska Valley 200KM

May 9 Anchorage/Palmer 300KM

May 23 Bread & Water 100KM populaire (Great Harvest to the Moose's Tooth)

May 30 Anchorage/Seward/Anchorage 400KM

June 20 Gakona/Delta Junction/Tok/Gakona 600KM

July 18 Denali Dirt Road Randonnee 300KM

August 1 PBP (Potter-Birchwood-Potter or Palmer-Birchwood-Palmer) Populaire

September? (When the leaves change color) Chugiak/Talkeetna/Chugiak 300KM

Please stay in touch. Let me know if you have any ideas, suggestions, questions, etc.

Bonne Route!

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